One fine day, Mum told me that there would be an Astroboy performance at Downtown East. I was quite surprised since there is no Astroboy movie or tv show coming up, unlike late last year where there was the release of the Astroboy movie (Read about it in this entry). So I went to check out the website and it's true! And me being probably Singapore's #1 Astroboy fan, I would go and see right?
So I did! Duh! :p
Didn't take much photos though. But here's a few photos to share with you :)
Only NTUC / DeCard members could go onstage and take a photo with Astro and Uran.
I ever took a picture with him at the Astroboy Movie Gala Premiere, ok?? :p

This was a lucky draw game. 1 chance for every $30 spent at Downtown East.
Getting the ball to whichever hole makes a difference to the prize one gets! We had 4 tries and I was lousy, but bbb managed to get for us the most attractive prize of whatever that were offered can... SHIOK!

When I saw this standee, I remembered my cake I had for my 21st birthday!
SAME PIC! (^_^)

I don't care if whoever think its childish for a 21st bday.
As long as I like it, that's what matters.

The guy who showered me with the following Astroboy stuff! :D

When I saw this I let out a loud gasp. Cos I have the same design but in a pouch form.
Steven helped me to buy it when he was in Tokyo then.

See..... its the same! Good! Now I have this in a set! :D

All these stuff comes with the trademark of Tezuka Production, by the way. Which reminds me of something. I have visited Hokkaido, but I wanna visit Osaka one day... 20km northwest of Osaka to be precise. To Takarazuka city, where there is the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum - Built to honor the legacy of Tezuka.
5 Response to Astroboy at Downtown East
WAH! ASTROBOY! Only thing I have of ASTROBOY from last time was an ASTROBOY underwear. LMAO
Haha better than nothing! :p
WOW! Sounds like so much Fun u astroboy fanatic~
Nice!!! =)
@dblchin Yeap it certainly was, watching my boyfriend performing live, you know? Hahahahhaah!
@Hong Wei :))))
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