If you happened to follow my tweets on Twitter (@felizaong), you would have known that I had my hair trimmed, colored and treated few days ago at Shunji Matsuo salon. Thanks Shunji-san for the sponsorship! As well as my stylist (Haruka-san) and her assistant (Alice) for their time and effort! :)
This was how I looked after my 4.5 hours hair job.
I have also taken pictures of the hair session. Will post them up soon!
Taken using my Canon DSLR.
Taken using my Canon DSLR.
This was taken once I headed to the carpark (with bad lighting) from the salon.
Taken using the front camera of the Samsung Galaxy BEAM phone.
I absolutely love the Samsung's front camera feature! Had it in my previous 2 Samsung phones!
I absolutely love the Samsung's front camera feature! Had it in my previous 2 Samsung phones!
Friday night out to Vivocity for dinner and shopping!
Taken using the Samsung BEAM
Bought this black top at Vivocity.
As well as 2 crossback tops from Forever 21.
As well as 2 crossback tops from Forever 21.

Simple look, without any makeup. Taken using the Samsung BEAM.
And no, I did not buy the Samsung Galaxy Beam. Samsung Singapore gave me to use it for a week to review it. I wish to have this phone though, cos I LOVE the front camera and Pico Projector! Check out the lil video I did when I was at Henderson Waves with @anthonyl1m, after our Vivocity trip on Friday.
6 Response to The recent change to my hair (Pics!)
You always look so pretty. Like the light blue top, even the photos look less clear, you still look very sexy and pretty. D3lonely
Did you get to try out the Samsaung Galaxy S?
I can't decide between the Samsung Galaxy S or iPhone 4.
Oh, you look really nice. With the hair trim, you look more cheerful and energetic! One word - beautiful! :)
@D3 Thanks :)
@Lee Yup I feel fresher and more energetic! :) Thanks for your kind words.... :)
@Anonymous I did not receive the Galaxy S for a review. But as I have been shopping around for a mobile phone, I kinda did some research and hands-on testing with my friend's Galaxy S.
Both have its pros and cons, and it really depends what you want. Galaxy S is on Andriod platform. I feel that there are indeed many apps in the Andriod market that can fight with Apple. iPhone4 and galaxy S color + screen clarity is indeed crystal-clear. Both have a good screen dimension size too. Both are slim, in my context. It really depends what you want at the end of the day and what you seek for in a phone and its features+functions. :)
I did queue up for the iPhone 4. But I let it go to my boyfriend first (since I have this Samsung BEAM to try out for now). Cos I was actually contemplating between iP4, galaxy S and galaxy BEAM as my next mobile phone. I have been a fan of Samsung phones (specifically flip phones with front cam, those were ultra awesome as the front cam is not VGA, but its at least X-mega pixel.)
So my plan is to test out the Samsung BEAM, and then decide which phone should I get in a few weeks time - iphone 4 or Galaxy BEAM. The pico projector is one reason why I am thinking of getting this phone. :)
so how is yr news phone? And update more of your beautiful photo ba
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