
The Pilot and Air Stewardess... In Love!

Remember I blogged about being a cabin crew months ago? Well recently, I am back being an air stewardess again. Hee! But I wanna tell you about my little love relationship with a pilot. But firstly, do see our pictures below... :p


So the story goes like this, I was a cabin crew (but for only 4 days) in XXX airline. I happened to work with this wonderful pilot and we both fell in love. After 4 days, we decided to leave the airline and have a peaceful life in our own private island.

This is us...
The very last picture taken, dressed in our work uniform. :)


Nice story? But please tell me you knew I was crapping! He and I merely took up an event assignment. For those whose offices are in Raffles Place or Tanjong Pagar, you may have seen us a couple of weeks ago. Right? :p

For one of the four days, I was actually working under the hot afternoon sun, wearing so many layers, while experiencing the effect of the Panadol pill and flu tablets which I ate as I was not feeling well. Terrible feeling! Nonetheless, a big shoutout and thanks to @Genkigenki for being so kind to pass me a couple of Panadol pills! I knew he works around the area (from his tweets) and as I had already reported for work that day, I couldn't go buy it. So I tweeted him for help to see if he had any in his office! The power of Twitter, I tell you! ;)

Sharing with you one of my fave Airline ads! :)

7 Response to The Pilot and Air Stewardess... In Love!

11 November 2010 at 02:08

It won't matter how many layers you wear as you always look attractive and pretty, but to see you suffer will always be hard in the eyes. You are very pretty in the black and white photo with the zip dress as mention early but in colour you really look very beautiful, very sexy and very attractive. Think if ever see you wearing the dress in real life, no guys will ever take their eyes aways from you. You are very sexy and pretty princess Feliza, D3lonely

11 November 2010 at 21:01

@D3 Thanks for your kind words as always. :) Sometimes, I really wonder who you are.

11 November 2010 at 23:52

Me, nothing special, it been 6 years since the first day I read on your blog and I should be the one to be thankful. You're beautiful and you're special. It never be kind words but truth. At least to me, you're very attractive, very pretty and very sexy. So don't thanks me, just be happy and update more of your beautiful photos and interesting post. Thank babe, D3lonely

14 November 2010 at 18:55

@D3 6 years... Hmm then how did you stumbled onto my blog for the first time? Thanks alot... I hope you have been enjoying my posts all these years... I think I can present to you the 'Most Loyal Reader' award to you already! :p

14 November 2010 at 23:11

First come across your blog actually need to thank to a friend of mine, he reading on your blog when we about going for class, and I still can remember saw your neoprint with a friend and you wearing white top if i never remember wrongly. You look very cute and sweet, so after that somehow attract to your blog almost every week. D3lonely

14 November 2010 at 23:17

It always great to read and see all those beautiful photos of you, thank for the award, hope to see more of ypur beautiful photos and interesting sharing soon, D3lonely

19 November 2010 at 15:04

@D3 No prob. Thanks for reading my blog all these while too. :)

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