Before I start talking about the spectacular movie which I have watched, Burlesque, I would like to say 'Welcome to Burlesque'. And in a true burlesque style, no one does it better than Cher, who did a great Burlesque opening number in the movie...
Welcome to Burlesque!
I simply love the beats and bass in this song. And how each dance move matches the bass & beat.
There's something sensual & mysterious about it. Don't you think?
I simply love the beats and bass in this song. And how each dance move matches the bass & beat.
There's something sensual & mysterious about it. Don't you think?
Show a little more,
Show a little less,
Add a little smoke,
Welcome to Burlesque.
Everything you dream of,
But never can possess,
Tell me what you need,
Welcome to Burlesque.
You can dream of Coco,
Do it at your risk,
The triplets grant you mercy,
But not your every wish.
Jesse keeps you guessing,
So cool and statuesque,
"Behave yourself" says Georgia,
Welcome to Burlesque.
Show a little less,
Add a little smoke,
Welcome to Burlesque.
Everything you dream of,
But never can possess,
Tell me what you need,
Welcome to Burlesque.
You can dream of Coco,
Do it at your risk,
The triplets grant you mercy,
But not your every wish.
Jesse keeps you guessing,
So cool and statuesque,
"Behave yourself" says Georgia,
Welcome to Burlesque.

If you were to ask me who do I prefer betwen these two pop icons, I would say Cher. I listened to her songs when I was younger (Does 'Strong Enough' and 'Believe' rings a bell to you?) and I think she's a legend. She sang a very emotional song 'You Haven't Seen the Last of Me' in this movie. I listened closely to the lyrics when she was singing this song in the movie, and I was overwhelmed by how powerful the lyrics are... How one should never give up and get back on one's feet.
'You Haven't Seen the Last of Me' song:
This movie is about Ali (played by Christina Aguilera) who left her small town for the big city LA, in search of a job as a singer and/or dancer. Intrigued by a dancer dressed sexily in her burlesque costume on a staircase leading to a burlesque bar, and even though how reluctant she was to pay the entrance fee, she went in and was amazed by everything that she saw and she wanted to be part of this performing group.
Ali didn't take 'No' as an answer, despite being turned down by Tess (played by Cher) when the former tried to get a performing job at Burlesque. And I have to add, Burlesque, is a place where all the performers dance and lip-sync to songs but never sing LIVE. Well, you can say that her perseverance paid off eventually as she became one of the burlesque performers. A huge change right? Afterall, she was just an ingénue a moment ago. :p
When Ali was instructed to replace Nikki (played by Kristen Bell, whom btw looked real hot in her dark-colored hair in this movie), the latter got pissed and decided to sabotage Ali's performance. Nikki assumed that "No music = No dance = No Amazing Ali but an embarrassed Ali instead". But no, she was wrong... As Ali decided to sing 'Tough Lover' there and then! Much to Tess's happiness and surprise and Nikki's shock. Afterwhich, Tess decided to have new dance segments with Ali being the main act.
Ali didn't take 'No' as an answer, despite being turned down by Tess (played by Cher) when the former tried to get a performing job at Burlesque. And I have to add, Burlesque, is a place where all the performers dance and lip-sync to songs but never sing LIVE. Well, you can say that her perseverance paid off eventually as she became one of the burlesque performers. A huge change right? Afterall, she was just an ingénue a moment ago. :p
When Ali was instructed to replace Nikki (played by Kristen Bell, whom btw looked real hot in her dark-colored hair in this movie), the latter got pissed and decided to sabotage Ali's performance. Nikki assumed that "No music = No dance = No Amazing Ali but an embarrassed Ali instead". But no, she was wrong... As Ali decided to sing 'Tough Lover' there and then! Much to Tess's happiness and surprise and Nikki's shock. Afterwhich, Tess decided to have new dance segments with Ali being the main act.
'Tough Lover'
A night of crashing in Jack (played by Cam Gigandet, who looked yummy BTW!!) home after finding out that her rented apartment was broken into, led to Ali being his tenant as he couldn't afford the rent alone while his fiancee was performing in NYC. Soon, sparks between these two good-lookers! And boy, the scene where Jack came out in a cute pyjamas set to lock the apartment door, and then only in his pyjamas bottoms to get a glass of water, and then... In the buff (aka nude) as he was hungry, where he asked Ali if she wanted a cookie from the cookie box which he took from the kitchen and placed over his genitals. That's a good one, Jack! Hilarious and cute scene, it was. :p
Oh there! This is Cam Gigandet (acting as Jack).
Gazing at Ali, while she performed. Dashing-looking, isn't he? :p *wink*
Gazing at Ali, while she performed. Dashing-looking, isn't he? :p *wink*

With Ali being the main star of all the acts and singing LIVE, her popularity grew... Till to the extent where she caught the attention of a wealthy playboy named Marcus. Boy, I HATE Marcus, even till now. I simply detest playboys, so you can't blame me for such a big resentment for Marcus. Ali also appeared in the news and helped the club to increase their patronage, which was great as the club was facing some financial difficulties. But the takings were still not enough to pay the overdued mortgages, but Ali was indeed a great help as what she found out while she was at Marcus's big home one day, saved the club from being taken away by the bank.
When I saw these amazing false eyelashes,
it reminds me of the beautiful paper eyelashes from Paperself by Ting Yu Wang!

Oh! And the gorgeous Louboutin that Ali received from jerkass Marcus.
I swore I gasped when I saw that pair of CLs when Ali opened the coveted box. :p

Anyway this was a display of the original costumes worn by Christina Aguilera in the Burlesque movie, found at the at ArcLight Hollywood cinema.
This was one of the costumes that she wore too.

When I saw the pearl outfit in the movie... I was wondering how she got into this costume. The bra straps weren't so obvious in the movie actually. I even wondered if this costume was worn by a performer in real life, how she managed to get in and out of this outfit. And so, with the picture above, I got my answer. :p
Christina Aguilera's getup when she sang 'Bound to You' in the movie
was so similar to Taylor Swift! With those curly locks and that green dress.
was so similar to Taylor Swift! With those curly locks and that green dress.
'Bound to you' song by Aguilera was full of emotions, and I absolutely love it!
I know! Swift is nowhere near Aguilera... But if you ever watch Swift's 'Teardrops on my guitar' and 'Love Story' music videos, you will be able to see the close resemblance. And that flower on Aguilera's head? Taylor Swift was ever been photographed with a flower on her hair too. If you would like to view more pictures of the costumes in detail, hop over to this blog site: :)
The electrifying pair which gave such an eye-popping extravaganza in Burlesque!

Here's another one...

Indeed... I am a Good Girl..........
The dress is Chanel, the shoes YSL
The bag is Dior, Agent Provocateaur
My address today, L.A. by the way
Above Sunset Strip, the Hills all the way
My rings are by Webster, they makes their heads twirl
They all say “Darling, what did you do for those pearls?”
What?! I am a good girl
The age I adore, the day oh no more
Breakfast Polo Launch, the poolside’s at the shore
The Chateau for cocktails, the Courtyard at night
The downtown for dinner, the hell is divine
You know I have found, the word’s gone around
They all say my feet never do touch the ground
What?! I am a good girl
I am a good girl
The bag is Dior, Agent Provocateaur
My address today, L.A. by the way
Above Sunset Strip, the Hills all the way
My rings are by Webster, they makes their heads twirl
They all say “Darling, what did you do for those pearls?”
What?! I am a good girl
The age I adore, the day oh no more
Breakfast Polo Launch, the poolside’s at the shore
The Chateau for cocktails, the Courtyard at night
The downtown for dinner, the hell is divine
You know I have found, the word’s gone around
They all say my feet never do touch the ground
What?! I am a good girl
I am a good girl
I REALLY love the bass beats from all the songs in Burlesque. It simply gives meaning to thrusting your hips side to side with each beat. Hee! I can't wait to get my hands on the 'Burlesque' soundtrack! And if you have watched the movie, don't you think Christina Aguilera looked reallllly young (in her non-Burlesque makeup look) in the movie? And to think she is what... How old... 31 years old this year! Amazing! Cher, by the way, is 65 years old!
Burlesque. Engaging storyline. Great lines which had the audience to laugh out loud to them. Backdrops and props for the performances that were so well-done. Beautiful and dazzling costume designs and wonderful make-up on the dancers. Entertaining song and dance numbers. Awesome choreography. Charismatic actors. Sexy ladies dancing provocatively but with style.... >>> I Was Mesmerized!... Charmed!... Amazed!

I love the fingers snapping at 00:23 in the 'Express' MV that I even went to mimic it! :p
Burlesque. Engaging storyline. Great lines which had the audience to laugh out loud to them. Backdrops and props for the performances that were so well-done. Beautiful and dazzling costume designs and wonderful make-up on the dancers. Entertaining song and dance numbers. Awesome choreography. Charismatic actors. Sexy ladies dancing provocatively but with style.... >>> I Was Mesmerized!... Charmed!... Amazed!
But nothing beats my experience of watching a live Moulin Rouge
performance in Paris back then! Just imagine it as something similar to Burlesque,
but with lotsa nudity and more feathers and glittery! :p
performance in Paris back then! Just imagine it as something similar to Burlesque,
but with lotsa nudity and more feathers and glittery! :p

I managed to watch Burlesque two days before it began its screening in the cinemas.
Courtesy of Sony Pictures Singapore!
And also thanks to Sylistic for passing on the tics to me as he fell ill. GET WELL SOON!
Courtesy of Sony Pictures Singapore!
And also thanks to Sylistic for passing on the tics to me as he fell ill. GET WELL SOON!

Burlesque is showing in the theatres right now!
Go watch it. No regrets if you do! :)
Note: I'm not obligated to write this review on Burlesque,
but I enjoyed this movie so much so that I would want to write about it. :)
Go watch it. No regrets if you do! :)
Note: I'm not obligated to write this review on Burlesque,
but I enjoyed this movie so much so that I would want to write about it. :)
15 Jan, Saturday night.
This is my Burlesque makeup (not complete)...
And the Burlesque outfit (Hehe, no sneak peek for this, but its a corset top lah).
This is my Burlesque makeup (not complete)...
And the Burlesque outfit (Hehe, no sneak peek for this, but its a corset top lah).

Before you close this window, I NEED NEED NEED your help!
You see, I love this movie so much that I decided to join in a contest.
Before you close this window, I NEED NEED NEED your help!
You see, I love this movie so much that I decided to join in a contest.
But the sad thing was that I found out about this contest oh-too-late! *groans* I have probably 18 hours to get votes and viewership in for the Burlesque dance video I submitted. You can see me dancing to the Burlesque's tune: EXPRESS. I need your help to vote! All votes from worldwide welcomed! ^_^ Please click this link and click on the 5th star (the one at the right okie?) >> . I know I may not be a great dancer, but I think I did my best trying to think of the dance moves in such a short time (thanks to bf too!) :)
Remember! Click on pls!!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH!! ^_^
And Yes~ I can sing to almost of of the songs in this movie!
That shows how much I have been listening to the songs from Burlesque! :p
And Yes~ I can sing to almost of of the songs in this movie!
That shows how much I have been listening to the songs from Burlesque! :p
9 Response to Cher and Christina Aguilera in Burlesque Movie
I think if you will be the one wearing the pearl outfit, you will look beauteousness. will you ever post on the dress, my beautiful princess. D3lonely
@D3 Haha! If I have such a dress........ :p
hahahahhahahahahha , wah , so detailed review ! :)
Looks like U've enjoyed the movie really much ! Go watch another time ... heheheh :)
@Sy A good movie is worth my time to review, even if I am not obligated. I think I will go watch once more... Yeahhh.. I am listening to the soundtrack ever since that day.. Im crazy over burlesque now!! :D
Haha I guess you will look super actractive, just like the add on photo of you. D3lonely
U look so sexy and pretty in the video. D3lonely
You look so beautiful and sexy in the twitpic especially the one in the sportbra and the red dress,D3lonely
Can't get tired of watching your dance video, every move look so beautiful and sexy, hope to see more sexy dance move of you. D3lonely
WOW, I loved this movie when i saw, now is one of my favorites, The first Cher's Song almost make a tear fall from my eye. NICE WORK!!!
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