I love for the fact that my weekends are always filled with...
Awesome food, lovely company, and best of all... Shopping!
Awesome food, lovely company, and best of all... Shopping!
One weekend was to shop for golf stuff...

My newly-bought cap!

Another weekend was to shop for all things girly like dresses!
Bebe clothes do not have fixed sizing. The sizing differs for different designs.
I can be a XXS (!!!), XS, S and worse... M (!!!).
I tried a design that was in size XXS and it was still loose for me.
They should 'try' to standardize it mann~
And this was me, just last Saturday at Ion. :)
I welcome and embrace my weekends!
Full of joy and relaxation... No stress, no frustration. Carefree days! :)
3 Response to Happy Weekends!
Love every pose of you, especially the shop for girly dress, both the dress look great on you, very sexy. It show off your beautiful boobs, and your curve. It hard for guys not to fall in love with you. You are really very attractive. D3lonely
Your beauty and sexiness are beyond words. Be it to work with you or play golf with you, it will be blessed. D3lonely
Just wonder how to work or play golf with you. No guys can put in 100% in the work with such a beautiful, sexy lady working by his side. He will be more busy looking at you then focus on his job. You are too attractive, d3lonely
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