
Review: Japan's AFC LipoDOWN 2

~** Have you ever tell yourself the below? **~

I'm so fat!
I want to be slim!
I want to lose a few kilos!
I want to lose that bulge on my tummy!
I want to lose fats round my thigh and hips areas!
I want to lose weight but I have no time for intense workouts a couple times a week!
 If yes, read on!

Work (and family, for those with kids to care of too) has taken up most of our time, with us sitting in the office the whole day working on our reports, proposals and emails. After work, you are so tired and hungry that all you want to do is just have your dinner and simply rest. No time for exercise... As perhaps you have more work to complete after you finish your dinner.

Sounds familiar? Fret not, you are not alone. I am going through this situation. As much as I wish to exercise after work, I find that I am unable to do so - Fatigue and/or hunger is my reason. I used to exercise 3~4 times a week, but nowadays, if I can do it just twice weekly, I consider myself as VERY LUCKY already. And in fact, I feel GOOD after exercising. Otherwise, the only chance I get to exercise is during the weekend, where I will do a 30-minutes run with some static exercise and resistance training.

When I was invited to try out a particular slimming product which was formulated to 'stimulate continual maximal fat burning even while at rest', I was more happy to! And since it is a slimming product that has a 24-hour Power Fat Burning capability, WHY NOT??? Afterall, I feel like I am leading a sedentary lifestyle (1~2 times/week of exercise is not enough IMO). I feel bloated (fat, maybe?)... I feel unhealthy.

Introducing: AFC LipoDOWN 2! 
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AFC LipoDOWN 2 has a new and improved formula which comes with the APF Fat Reduction Factors to burn fats, boost metabolism and eliminate fat calories. Initially, I really wondered how safe this product is, as I have never tried any slimming supplements before... Then, it was a relief to know that the APF Fat Reduction Factors in this product are natural substances extracted at high purity from unripe green apples and Japanese brown seaweed respectively. Being a safe and natural formula containing no caffeine, diuretics, laxatives and stimulants, it will not affect your sleep quality or lead to heart palpitations and diarrhea.

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LipoDOWN 2 is endorsed by local TV celebrity, Apple Hong.
I don't really 'follow' local stars, but I feel Apple Hong is really pretty... Vivian Lai too.
All these while, I think Apple has a good figure. In the TVC for this product, she looks really GREAT!
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Each bottle contains 60 soft gels.

For intensive slimming, take 4 softgels daily.
Once you have achieved your ideal weight/fat loss,
take 2 softgels daily for maintenance. 

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I ate 2 softgels a day, for a month, and have since completed the whole bottle. I like the fact that LipoDOWN 2 is recommended for people with sedentary lifestyle or with little exercise. Of course, I feel that one should not just rely on this product and not exercise at all, thinking that this product will be an answer to their fat or weight loss. Since LipoDOWN 2 helps to increase our metabolism rate for maximum fat burning, I recommend that we should combine it with some exercises. Afterall, with higher metabolism rate means you can burn fats faster. So why not make use of it and work your body? :)

Ever since I started on this product, I stuck to doing exercise twice a week. During this one month, I have lost 1.8kg, and my fat percentage went down by 1.4%. Will I continue with this product? I still can't decide as I am actually more keen on their AFC ActiveSLIM. It is a product that helps one to burn more fats and flabs during workouts. LipoDOWN 2 gives me the feeling that I can eat it and no exercise needed. But as I am a firm believer of the need to exercise (other than to be slim or lose weight, it is good for one's fitness and heart!), it seems to me that ActiveSLIM will help me in burning more fats while I workout, allowing me to have a more efficient fat/weight loss result. I was not given a bottle of the ActiveSLIM to review on, so I can't share more on it, but you can check out their website for more info if you are interested.

LipoDOWN 2 is priced at SGD92.90.

This slimming supplement product is available at:
 selected Unity, Watsons, Guardian, Robinsons, John Little, OG and leading pharmacies.

Click on below link for more info on LipoDOWN 2:
now available at Unity, Watsons, Guardian, Robinsons, John Little, OG and other leading pharmacies. - See more at: http://womenlovebeauty.com/product-review/others/20938#sthash.hmuxINI9.dpuf
now available at Unity, Watsons, Guardian, Robinsons, John Little, OG and other leading pharmacies. - See more at: http://womenlovebeauty.com/product-review/others/20938#sthash.hmuxINI9.dpuf
now available at Unity, Watsons, Guardian, Robinsons, John Little, OG and other leading pharmacies. - See more at: http://womenlovebeauty.com/product-review/others/20938#sthash.hmuxINI9.dpuf

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