Happy (belated) 48th Birthday, Singapore!
48 years old this year, yet a young nation indeed. You came so far from a small fishing village and progressed to this unique metropolitan city which I call HOME. We try to live in harmony and understand the festivals and practices of the various races and religions of the people dwelling in this urban city. On top of that, we see immigrants from other countries coming into Singapore to build their homes here, to seek for jobs that pay better than what they can get back home, or to seek a brighter future for themselves and/or their offspring. We too, try to live cohesively with this other group of people, but sometimes it simply irks us (or me, at least), when they lack the mannerism or consideration for others (or the cleanliness, per se).
But no matter what, this is my HOME. Even if I will not be living in Singapore for my whole life, this is where I grew up, did my studies, and started my first job at. I love the fact that food choices are aplenty here, anytime of the day or night, and they range from fine dining restaurants to hawker centres, as well as from Chinese cuisine to say, Russian cuisine.
I love how my Singapore passport allows me to travel visa-free to more than 160 countries in the world, for XX days! We are just a small red dot but we have bilateral agreements with so many countries around the world! To be honest, I treasure my citizenship. Despite singing the praises of what this country can provide me with, I also have my own views of the political parties, which I shall not touch here. But for each GE to come, it will be very obvious of which party I support, through all the tweets where I voice my opinions. True to be told, we aren't like the older generation whereby we only listen to one voice. The younger generation of today have our own views and a clearer mind. We won't be oppressed, we will make an informed choice.
Despite the breakdowns of our buses and trains, I dare say we have a commendable transport infrastructure (unlike some cities) that connects us to most parts of Singapore. Then again, I take public buses or trains only once in a blue moon. And sadly, I have to deal with the 'kiasuism' or inconsideration of commuters each time, which completely irks me. Of course, there are some commuters who brought much amusement to us such as the dancing dude or the vulgarities-sprouting lady ,as you can see in the videos below. :p
**Video credits to the owner who uploaded this on YouTube.
**Video credits to the owner who uploaded this on YouTube.
Not forgetting our unique Singlish language! Or the fact that we can mix English, Mandarin and even Hokkien into one sentence! But do note that we are capable of speaking proper English too - It all depends on where, when and to whom. Thus, relac ah! ;)
**Video credits to the owner who uploaded this on YouTube.
I was supposed to post this post up on National Day itself.
But got too busy that I am only posting it now.... :x
But mann!!! I am so loving this long weekend!!!
Great opportunity for me to REST!!!
Anyway, here's 2 shots of the fireworks.
Only 2 shots as I was more into capturing it on video instead.
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