
Review: Lunch at the Pool Grill, Singapore Marriott Hotel

The last time that I was at the Singapore Marriott Hotel was for the Influr event a few months back (which you can read all about it by clicking HERE). It was a social media event held on a weekday evening, at the Pool Grill's terrace pavilion.

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The Pool Grill is an alfresco restaurant located on the 5th level of the hotel. When I was there for the event, I liked the chilled-out and relaxing vibes that it brilliantly has. So much so that I told myself that I will visit Pool Grill in the daytime. Hence, I decided to have my lunch at the Pool Grill with my friend a couple of weeks ago! :)

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The Pool Grill's food menu
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We were served warm bread, along with 3 assorted dips.
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I had to post this up, cos I like the bokeh effect shown in this pic. :p
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We ordered the same main course, which was the Seared Duck Breast.
As well as the Garlic & Rosemary Roasted Kipfler Potatoes for our sides.
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The duck meat was accompanied with the sweet corn puree,
quinoa (which I don't like), turnip and black berries jus.
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I liked the plating of my seared duck breast, as well as its color. However, I wold have liked it more if not because of how rubbery it was led to me having a tough time chewing it. The crust could have been done better too... I liked a little of crust on my pan seared meat, which was not evident in mine. On the other hand, kudos for the sweet corn puree which I absolutely love!

The roasted potatoes were awesome! It was flavorful and have a good amount of spice/seasonings cooked with it. It is so nice that I will consider heading back to Pool Grill just to snack on these roasted potatoes! Haha!

Photo taken before we tucked in for lunch.
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As it was the Fourth of July, whereby US celebrates its Independence Day, I decided to dress up in the colors of the US flag on that day - Blue, Red and White. I wanted to join in the celebration with my lovely friends in US, whom I knew were planning a long weekend celebration, filled with picnics and BBQs at the parks. Moreover, most of them were going to dress up in these 3 colors too... Similar to how most of us actually don the colors of red and white on Singapore's National Day. :p

This was my #FourthofJuly OOTD!
And say hi to my new Prada bag!
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Below photo was up on my Instagram account on the day itself.
If you have not followed me, you should... 
Cos I update my daily life more frequently on IG.
So start snooping me there... >>>  @felizaong! :p

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Like I mentioned, the influr event was held at the Terrace Pavilion.
I saw how romantic it was at the main dining area when I was there for the event.
It is really nice... Do come here for your dinner dates! :p
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This was taken just before we left Pool Grill.
It is equally nice to have a quiet lunch or tea time here too. :)
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1 more photo before I end this post! :p

1 Response to Review: Lunch at the Pool Grill, Singapore Marriott Hotel

18 July 2014 at 00:46

Great food, great place, beautiful dress and gorgeous lady. Attractive. -JT

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