The word 'Bodiacious' (bəʊˈdeɪʃəs), as per the Oxford Dictionaries site, means excellent, admirable or attractive. It is also perhaps an amalgam of the two words - Bold and Audacious. And in the case of the recent place which I have visited during an afternoon, I would very much love to say that its name, Bodacious Bar & Bistro, was very befitting for them.
As much as how Biomedical science findings can be bodacious, a game-changer, or even life-changing, the Bodacious Bistro is located in the area where international research and development of biomedical science takes place - Biopolis (Address mentioned at end of blogpost).
The Bodacious Bistro is the brainchild by the same guys that opened the Long Black Cafe (just across the road). I had lunch at the Long Black Cafe (Friend took me there as he was friends with the owner, and I loved the coffee there) sometime in 2012 if I remembered correctly. I had a short chat with the the owner back then, and was really impressed with the coffee.
Entering into the bistro, I was greeted by the Bodacious staff, and since there were not many people at the time I was there, I could freely select my desired seats from the plentiful seats that were available (both alfresco and indoor = 130 seats). There were the coffee tables and couches , bar tables and stools, communal tablem etc. And of course, I chose the luxe-looking dark brown leather couch at the corner.
I simply loved the whole dark cum industrial chicness of this place. It is simply a very cosy place to bring your Significant Other, or to have a gathering with your bunch of close girl friends. For me, I was glad to spend this special afternoon with my dear Sis.
My sis, despite her preference for tea than coffee, is always game enough to try out new cafe or coffee places with me, where she will usually order tea. Well, glad she likes her tea, as that meant I got to have my ten-second "Oh my god... So interesting!" gushing moment when her Tea Forte's Honey Yuzu came in this pyramid-shaped silk infuser with a leaf on top! CUTE RIGHT?
Bodacious Bistro - Tea
What drew me to this place was that I discovered that this place serves CHURROS! My love for churros, also known as Spanish fritters, came about during my younger days when I frequently treated myself to the churros at the old Heeren (Who remembers it??). The churros at Bodacious were coated with sugar and came with the chocolate dip (which I felt that it could have been thicker). But overall, it was chewy and delicious.
Bodacious Bistro - Churros / Spanish Fritters
Bodacious Bistro - Truffle Fries
We had a great time eating the richly-flavored truffle fries.
Bodacious Bistro - Flat White Coffee
Selfie time!
View from where I was sitting.
I liked how I could have an overview of the bistro from where I was sitting.
And the power point was just beside me, for me to charge my phones haha!
Otherwise, you can also charge at where that guy in the photo below was standing. :p
Check out the Beer section at Bodacious!
And there are the unicycle seats too! Don't worry, it's fixed firmly.
You can dine in peace without worrying that you need to balance yourself while sitting on it. :p
I like the signs actually. Or rather, the friendly staff who
posed instinctively when they saw my camera! Haha!
Signs were like no-brainers to indicate the coffee preparation and cashier areas.
I likes the whole bright and bulb design of the signs.
View of the Bodacious Bistro from the outside
If you ask me if I will visit again, I will say yes!
For I want to try the breakfast menu,
and ESPECIALLY the fatty duck confit (maybe for dinner).
And yes, the coffee is good.
Delicious // Bodacious
Bodacious Bistro -Food Menu
Bodacious Bistro - Drinks Menu (Coffee, Tea, Beer, Wine, etc)
My OOTD, which you probably have saw,
if you are following my Instagram --- @felizaong.

Bodacious Bar & Bistro Address & Contact
70 Biopolis Street
Singapore 138547
Za's note: It is at the corner of the building, find the P&G building
Tel: 6778 9585
Bodacious Bar & Bistro Opening Hours (As of 14 Aug 2014)
10am to 10pm (Mon~Fri)
CLOSED on Saturdays
08.30am to 6pm (Sun)

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